Sunday, May 4, 2008

Teachers go to Wal Mart too.

I just had to laugh at my own title... When my mom, an eighth grade American History teacher, and I go shopping we occasionally bump into one of her students. I always chuckle when the students gaze at my mother in awe and exclaim, "What are you doing here?"

It is important for me as a teacher to take time for myself by doing normal (outside of school) activities. When I read this chapter I had to think to myself "when was the last time I read a book for pleasure?" The answer--Christmas break. Hmm... Even as a college student I should do things or activities that I enjoy.

On another topic I found this cheap but funny film that sums up the entire chapter. Here is the link--


Keri said...

Thanks for sharing the video, Jessica. I will be definitely be sharing this with teachers in the future. Did you take a look at the author's "favorites"? More neat films.

Stacy said...

This is really cute! I actually ran into one of my students a couple weeks ago at Price Cutter. He was working and I was buying stuff for a BBQ. He actually recognized me and talked to me. It was really interesting to see how surprised he was to see me in jeans and T-shirt.