Tuesday, May 6, 2008

It's over...

Can you believe it guys...it's over? The classes are coming to an end, the homework is almost complete, the fines are almost gone (which is great because of the tuition increase), and it is finally time to get into the classroom full time. Has it flown by?? I have been in college since the Fall of 2005 and it feels like i just started and now it is over. I am scared to death to enter the classroom and have the lives of 80-100 kids in my hands for 8 hours a day...but with being scared, i am full of excitement. I can't help but think to myself: will they take me seriously? I am only 3 years older than some of my students, but have been through the college experience and learned so much, that i think they should...but will they? I know all of these questions have probably entered your minds...but it is just scary to think about it. It's over now...and it is time to grow up... :'(


Priscilla Wilson said...

I have two older kids, so I don't feel as scared about handling them I guess, but I can really related to you because I entered the work world once. You'll do great though. You're a smart, beautiful person with a great personality. You seem to get along great with everyone. Your positive outlook will make all te difference in the world.

Z said...

I was a professional nanny at one point in Los Angeles. Kids are easy. Just remember mindfulness...it's the one thing they are short on (which will lead to short patience for you) and you'll be set. :P

But, please...it's still way too early for you to grow up.

I plan on never growing up.