Tuesday, March 11, 2008


I just have an overall complaint about my practicum at this point...I don't feel like I have connected with any of the students AT ALL. The school I'm at is on block schedule which sometimes means I don't see the same students for two weeks. I have found that this really hinders my chances of making a personal connection with any of them. On top of that, the unit we've been covering since I've been there is the (hideously boring) 5 paragraph paper. The only thing they've been working on for the past four weeks are research and bibliography cards. I have seen my teacher actually teach very little, and I have definitely seen very few chances for me to get involved (although I do jump at the chances when they arise). I have observed two other teachers as well, but only for one class period each. Needless to say, I'm pretty sure not a single student in the building knows my name or is even sure why I'm there. My practicum last semester seemed to go so much better...I was involved, the students knew my name and why I was there, and they came to me for help on occassion. I only have ten hours left, and I want to make an impact on these kids...

Is anyone else feeling even remotely the same way?


Priscilla Wilson said...

I sort of feel that way about this practicum too. The last practicum was very one-on-one with the students and I got to know them on a personal level. This time it's been a blurr because of the weather and I haven't gotten to know any of the students by name yet.

tracy said...

I totally agree! Unfortunately, because of my work schedule, I can only go once a week for a full day. My school is also on block schedule so this means that I also see the same students every two weeks and I'm only going to be there for 6 weeks! My teacher hasnt really given me a whole lot of oppurtunities yet to get involved but I think that it will change in the next few weeks hopefully! It is hard because there is a little part of me that would love to just sit in the back of the room and not be challenged or put on the spot at all, but I know that I need experience if I am ever going to get comfortable with this.

Katiebrarian said...

Why on earth would you need research and notecards for a five-paragraph paper??? I'm sorry for your bad experience.

Stacy said...

That sucks! I really feel like i have connected with the students through talking with them before and between classes and through mini-lessons. My first practicum was the complete opposite and i never got to interact with the students, so this is a complete change for me. I hope that you are able to connect with them before you do your first lesson because that will make it a little easier. Good luck!