Sunday, March 9, 2008



Kendra Moberly said...

sorry, I have no idea what happened here.

Tina and Aaron said...

I really like your honesty here. So many times as teachers we have difficulty expressing when we've messed up, or as you say, "I have no idea what happened here." Bravo Kendra, you are very courageous for confronting your shortcomings and deficiencies in the technological arena! :)

You know you wanna laugh!


Kendra Moberly said...

somehow, i knew you would be the one to make a smart-aleck comment b/c my computer decided to make an additional post.

btw, i like cheese, pepperoni and hamburger on my pizza for monday...5:30 sharp.

Stacy said...

Yea- i agree with the pizza!

Tina and Aaron said...

You know I love ya! pizza for you!