Friday, March 14, 2008

Chapter 7 MTJ --Tracy

I really agreed with the things that Whitney had to say about chapter 7. I thought it was very good for me to really sit and think about how I am going to go about teaching writing in my classrooom someday. I think that it is important to remember that each student is different in the way they learn, and that also includes the way they write. Some students might need a very distinct structure to help them get through the writing process, while others might need to freely move through a very messy process to get to the creative product that they want. I think that I will try to give my students a balance of writing instruction. I will teach the proper writing structures and processes but also give students freedom to get to their finished product in their own ways at times. I also think that the topics of what we give kids to write about are often very far from anything they know about or care about. I know that there will obviously be times when students have to do assignments on things they aren't particularly interested in, but I think in order to spark students interest in writing we must allow them to also write about things they are passionate about. I thought this chapter was very interesting and helpful when thinking about teaching writing.

1 comment:

kitty22 said...

I agree with both Tracy and Whitney on their points about chapter 7. We have had been taught so much about each students' different writing/learning style. Everyone is different, and everyone writes and learns differently. I know that most of the time I need a lot of structure in my writing, especially if I want to write a really good paper. I hope that my students can find their strengths and also weaknesses in their writing so they can become better and I hope that I can help them do that!