Friday, March 14, 2008

My First Lesson

I got to teach my first lesson completely by myself today and it went over really well. My teacher taught it first block and then allowed me to take over third block. For the most part, I was able to do the complete lesson by myself, but needed Ms. Pelkey to help with the classroom management. It was a simple and fun activity for students because today is the last day before spring break. The students responded really well to my teaching and asked a lot of questions. I didnt get as much respect as i would have liked to...but that doesnt surprise me. My teacher said that I did really well and told me some good points and things to work on before my next lesson. I thought this was some great criticism that will really help me. Overall, it was a great experience and I really enjoyed it. I can't wait to teach another one in a couple weeks!


Tina and Aaron said...

How bad was the class that your teacher had to step in? I'm glad, in sopite of this, you found the class to be a success. I had a similar experience so I can relate. My teacher didn't interefere though. In one way, I wish she had, but then was glad she didn't. In our class, we won't be able to have others step-in so it will be a good experience.

I think I would ask your cooperating teacher to stay out of it next time you teach. (In a nice way of course). You'll be amazed at how much control you have and how you can reign them back in.


Stacy said...

We my teacher told me that the class was completely mine, but she would deal with all the disruptions. I was able to handle most of them, but one student who has ADHD acted out pretty bad. In fact, it was bad enough that she had to write him up. I am happy that she was there to help out, but she said that i handled the situation well, so i did find it a success.