Sunday, April 20, 2008

The Text is Made of Sunshine and Lollipops!!!!!!!

For the most part I have to say that I agree with most of the class; I like these two textbooks. The information provided about the practical aspect of teaching is useful as a student freaked out about his future as a teacher. The unfortunate part of this is that I don't picture myself thumbing through a textbook when I feel lost as a teacher. I know in the back of my mind while I'm reading these books that teaching isn't something that can be learned in a textbook. I know that it is important to have some kind of resource available for ideas and inspiration but each class and each teacher is different and even if we use the ideas presented in these texts we're still going to have to format our lessons to our individual classes. So again I can admit that I like these textbooks but I'm not quite ready to set up a candlelit shrine in my closet with the hair of Christenbury and Gallagher topping off the detail of my Voodoo love statues.


Stacy said...

First off--- catchy title! It made me want to read your i did and this is my response. I do think that teaching is a god-given talent and is not something that can be taught. You either have it or you dont. I also agree that these books are wonderful and will be helpful as a teacher. But i disagree in the aspect of turning to them when i need help. I do think that i will take a look at them when i need some interesting lessons, assessments, or projects. But i dont think the shrine will come into play anytime soon!

Katiebrarian said...

Well, I don't quite agree with Stacy - I think you can LEARN to be a good teacher. Sure, some teachers have that special something that makes them extra-amazing, but I think through practice and reflection (which the extra-special teachers do too) you can be a sucessful teacher. But texts for me function as tools in a toolbox - if I have a specific problem (reading comprehension) I could pull out Gallagher and find a method that may work for my text.