Sunday, April 20, 2008

Field Experience Teaching

Friday I taught in class for about the third time. I had taught on Monday, and I taught the class before the one that Dr. Franklin observed. Overall, I think it went well, but there were some moments throughout the lesson where the students were a little overwhelming. I'll explain.

My lesson revolved around chapter 12 of Tuck Everlasting, and the main part of the lesson involved the students creating a crossword puzzle on the ReadWriteThink website. Using the websites Crossword Puzzle Generator (great tool), the students entered in some of their vocabulary words from the current and previous chapters as well as the clues/definitions that went with those words. Then, they switched computers with their table partners and completed their puzzle. To wrap the lesson up, the students responded to a question about the crossword puzzle activity on their class blog.

The time when I noticed the most problems was during the computer swapping process of the activity. Throughout the week, the students had been dividing up vocabulary words among their tables, and each person was responsible for a number of words; they were supposed to help each other fill in the words that they didn't complete, but for some of them it didn't happen. So, when it came time for them to do the other pair's crossword puzzle, some of them had no clue where to look if they got stuck on a word. So, they became frustrated and started roaming around the room. Other than that, the lesson seemed to go pretty well. All of the students enjoyed creating the puzzles, and they also seem to enjoy writing on the class blog.

1 comment:

Nancy Fuchs said...

I love cross word puzzle generator, I'm really glad someone used it in a lesson!