Monday, April 21, 2008


It does seem like we are reviewing a lot of the same ideas about teaching, class management, and other things we can use in the classroom in this chapter. As a whole, the entire book brings a lot of things to the surface that we need to continually reflect on, so we learn in a process related way. I think this will help it to really stick in our minds. Like after you learn a process and then it just comes naturally to you. I'm ready to start my student teaching and try a lot of the ideas we've learned from each other and in our books in the classroom environment. That will really be the test. After you've been in the classroom a couple of months and then see how you feel about teaching, what you learned in school, compared nto the experience of the classroom at a little longer longevity. I really liked the Digital Project Larry Nueberger gave us in his lecture. I want to try something similar to this with my students. I've noticed that the students love to play roles in the class I'm observing. It gets them up and moving. Movement helps the brain circulate --as we learned in Edc.

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