Sunday, April 27, 2008

Making The Journey

While some people believe this chapter was a no-brainer and others thought it was essential, this is something that future educators are often reminded of.  We are basically going into a hostile environment where one misinterpreted move or act can bring in to question our integrity and our job.  If a students says a teacher said or did anything to them without any evidence the teacher is pretty much screwed.  The issues this chapter discusses are important for us as teachers to remember.  As we are changing students lives and trying to help them make a deeper connection to the world we still have to be aware of all of our actions and how they may look to others including students, parents, teachers, administrators.   
One item that stuck out to me from this chapter is where she talked about not getting a long with all the students and how teachers can not take it out on them with grades.   I believe for me this would be something very easy to do.  If there was a student I did not get a long with I think it would be very easy to punish them through grades.  It is good to be reminded of how to deal with things such as that.

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