Sunday, April 27, 2008

Emms' Journey 10 Response

Like some of my fellow classmates have already mentioned a lot of this chapter was a reiteration of ethical aspects we already know. However, it is nice sometimes to be reminded of these since we cannot remember everything and now they are "fresh" in our minds. Something that I really liked Christianbury reminding me of is being fair to students. I think that this is something we all need to keep in mind. Every student is going to create a new and unique relationship with us. Some of these we will like and some of them we will dread. These differences in our relationships should not persuade us to treat our students different from another. We are there to teach them and not be their friend, or build lasting relationships. We are a breath in time for them and we need to do what is best for them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, it is so easy for us as humans to gravitate to students who are more like us. It was great to be reminded that as teachers we must stay professional by interacting with each student in the same way.