Sunday, April 6, 2008

Second Draft Reading?

I know that Stan kind of mentioned this in one of his many blogs for the week, but how practical is teaching students to read and then reread and then reread and then reread and maybe read one more time.  It's a great idea if students have the rest of their lives to read one book.  If and when our students get to college like I have found I am having a really good week when I have done all of the reading one time through for a class.  Many times I probably should go back and read again but there is not enough time with all of the other things that teachers expect you to do.  So that is my tangent about the reading we had to do.

While there were several good things about the reading one thing that stuck out to me was the thought of having students fill out a clock to help the students pick partners throughout the class.  So many times when teachers ask students to select a partner they select the same person. But to have the students schedule different people they are required to meet with a variety of people plus the teacher doesn't have to think about how to break the students up into groups each time.


Anonymous said...

Matt, I think that if a teacher chooses to have his or her students reread any text the teacher should not have the class read the entire book/writing again. I think that skimming over parts of the book/writing could suffice in uncovering hidden precursors to the story. So I definitely agree with you when you mention that the class does not have time to reread an entire work.

Nancy Fuchs said...

Jess makes a good point about the rereading, we all know that there are key points in stories that are usually able to stand on their own and move the story forward, these are important to cover more than once, but hopefully it can be done without beating it to death.

thumper1334 said...

I'm going to go ahead and, to steal Gallagher's term, "hitchhike" on this blog by saying that I too think this idea of rereading is quite impractical. Unpractical. Anti-practical. Hold on, let me reread that.