Monday, March 3, 2008

March 3

6:30: Minutes
Discuss Artifact Cover Sheets briefly.
See the standards: NCTE/IRA; Mo-Step and Specialty Area Indicators. Don't pay attention to the portfolio directions, but the Mo-Step Standards, Conceptual Framework, and SAI's are listed here.

Grading student work. Hand out Willow Springs work.

6:45: Stacy's Lesson
7:15: Break
7:25: Priscilla's Lesson
8:00: Guest Speaker: Zak Hamby, Com. Arts, Nixa High School. He will be presenting about Reader's Theater. Please be ready to read, write, and share.

1. Casey sent another draft of her students' Senior Project papers. They are very excited that you will be looking at them again. These drafts have letters. Each of you would need to bring three of these home with you to respond to, and also give them an initial score based on 6+1.

2. Kathy Gibson asked us if we would return to her students' writing on the blog. I blogged this on March 2, so you will find a link to their work. Please respond to at least two or three student. Make sure that each student receives feedback.

3. Bring an extra copy of your I-search for Casey's class.

4. Read ch. 6 and 8 of Christenbury

5. Schedule your appointment with me for your coaching meeting before the in-class lesson.

6. Talk to your field experience teacher, and schedule your field observation visit. Please try to do this by next Wednesday, March 12.


Stacy said...

Since I taught my in-class lesson, when do I need to turn in my relfective commentary? I am a little scared to it watch it! I did make complete copies of my lesson plan and documents to hand out next class though.

Tina and Aaron said...

I thought Zak was a great addition to the class. He gave us some great ideas on how to spice things up for all students.
