Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Field Experience

I've learned several things from my field experience thus far. The primary lesson. Do not put students into groups unless they are doing group activities. (Sarcasm) Let's just give them the opportunity to have their backs to us, play with their I-pods, cell phones, etc.

My field experience teacher is either unaware or indifferent to the fact that over half her students are not engageed. Sure, they should be on-task, but we are dealing with kids. We have to set the example and set the stage for how things will operate in our class.

When I do my lesson on Friday, I'm going in early and arranging the desk single file. I'm hoping she might see this and make the change. I'm not saying I'm perfect, could do it better, or am above the teacher. I guess I just don't understand why she hasn't fixed it yet?

Anyone else see things obviously off-the-mark in your field experience like this??



whitneyrose said...

Apparently my teacher and your teacher are polar opposites. My practicum teacher this semseter does not allow ANY crap in her classroom. I hear her yell at the top of her lungs during every class period. Pleasant? Not really. Effective? Sort of. But I think there are much better ways to handle class management.

However, I can relate to you because my practicum teacher last semester let the kids get away with any and everything. Students would hang out of the (second floor) window, they would talk about sexual things, discuss drinking and drugs, and they were all cussy pants. Yet she only "wrote up" one student the entire semester. My teacher this semester wrote up four kids on my first day!!

It's pretty interesting to see the different worlds of teaching...and right now I'm hoping I'm somewhere in between these two opposites.

whitneyrose said...

In response to your comment on my post: Yes, we can definitely trade. I loved your idea for a lesson on Monday. I'm going to steal it and use it! :)

Stacy said...

My teacher is aware that there is a lot of texting occurring, but she doesnt really do anything about it. Also, students are not supposed to have their IPods or anything during class, but they do anyway. In my high school, they would have been taken away immediately, but not at Central. I think it is interesting how these things only bother certain teachers though.

Nancy Fuchs said...

My teacher is a lot like yours, she has very little classroom management. The funny thing is, I think she likes it that way...She sees and hears everything that is going on but chooses to ignore it. The kids love her, I like her a lot and she seems happy but I can't figure out why she lets them get away with so much! They always have cell phones out and are ignoring her and talking/flirting with's not something I can really handle.

Nancy Fuchs said...

I meant CAN'T handle.