Am I the only one who is not clued in to how a Conceptual Unit Should be done? I've looked at the examples at the back of Smagorinsky's chapter, in his library, but these have almost all been written by two-three students, and are 50+ pages in length. I don't think this jives with what Dr. Franklin showed us in class that day. Anyone have any ideas. I wanted to get this done over the break, but...no such luck it seems.
Thankfully, I did a two week unit plan in 302, so I do have an idea of what this is supposed to look like - assuming it can be done the same. See, this is why we need good classes/teachers around here!!
This is a cut to our EDC 350 teacher by the way. No offense to Dr. Franklin. Thought I'd clarify.
ah, good thinking. yes, i had a good 302 teacher, so i feel better about this conceptual unit assignment than those who had bad 302 teachers. just proves that what we do/don't learn in a class has the potential of affecting other classes.
What really helped me was thinking about Dr. Weaver's class - she had very specific goals she wanted to teach us about the whole year, but they were all part of one overarching goal. It's not like she did two weeks on dialect and two weeks on assessment - it all flowed because it was tied to the same concept. It helps me to think about a specific class I might be teaching - for example, freshman English. Then I think about the goals I have for that class. Then I think about what I need to teach them so I can reach those goals. Then I break that into loose "units", structured around a small goal.
I don't know if this will help at all, but here's hoping. (I also haven't read the unit plan reading...so I could be doing it all wrong...but if it's working, I'm not going to screw with it...but I will read the reading, I promise...sometime)
I definitely wanted to complete my unit plan over spring break, but didn't even know where to begin. I hope that we can go over the unit plans in class soon.
It has been really hard for me to get a grasp on the whole conceptual unit. I feel that I could do so much when basing my teaching around a novel, but I am afraid of doing too much. And Sec 302 has really not offered me much help with this either.
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