Monday, March 17, 2008

Chapter 7

Although I have no doubt that the traditional model was the one used most commonly in the past, I'm pretty sure that the new model is very commonly used in today's classrooms. It fits this whole new constructivist approach to teaching, i.e. one in which the student directs their own learning and the teacher is more of a facilitator and mentor rather than a dictator. I think it's pretty common for most high school English classrooms to have projects in which the students must choose their own topic, participate in collaborate learning, and do extensive revisions.

So while this information in the chapter wasn't exactly earth shattering, I do love the ideas. I feel like I could use as many ideas as I can possibly get and I like most of the prompts. I also love the multi-genre paper. I'm actually not familiar with that at all--we certainly never did anything like that when I was in school--and it sounds like a fantastic idea. Kids are so creative these days with all the media and Internet outlets for self expression that I'm sure they'd love something like that. I'll be looking into that further.

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