Thursday, February 28, 2008

video clips those were great videos! I had never seen the SNL clip, but I had seen the other one before. It is so funny to think about, first of all, the truth that is in those clips, and second of all the misconceptions and stereotypes that are in there as well. I'm sure that most teachers who watch that SNL clip find a lot of truth in the fact that there students don't seem to follow anything they have to say at all! But I do have to say that, especially in my current practicum, I have seen many students who have overwhelmed me with how intelligent they are and how much they pick up on! So, I definitly think that most of out students will be a lot more intelligent than that clip portrays. The other clip gave me goosebumps! It is so true that people look down at the profession of teaching and the low salary! I have already had so many people give me that "look" about choosing this profession! and i'm not even a teacher yet! But all the things he listed in his response to that guy...those things are the reason I wanted to become a teacher too! Not for the english (even though it is so very exciting!!! little sarcasm there! ) but for the kids! To be the person they see every day that is a positive influence and makes a difference!


Stacy said...

I agree with what you have to say. It is interesting to see in our current classrooms that there really are students that are that unmotivated and that really only worry about the information on the tests. Luckily, there are other students that really want to get involved in the class discussion and information.

Joshua said...

I have students that are not even motivated enough to care about what's on the test. They just sit there during the entire period and do nothing, despite the teacher's efforts to spark some kind of interest in them.

Priscilla Wilson said...

I guess I'm lucky. The students at Marshfield High School seem motivated. Maybe it's the teacher. They all love her to death and that makes a huge difference, I think, in how the students relate.

Tina and Aaron said...

I agree that most us want to become teachers for the ability to influence and change lives of young people. I do know that I'm unusual (begin the sarcasm) because I want to do it for the time off. I think there are many reasons to be a teacher, and the Mali vidoe touched on the only reason many people do not become teachers. Money.