Monday, February 4, 2008

I search paper...Teaching Poetry

For my I search paper I chose to write about the teaching of poetry in high schools. I have always found poetry one of the most interesting and meaningful forms of literature and I have a very strong passion for exciting young people about poetry too. There are many people who view poetry as a dying art. Many teachers avoid teaching it all together because, in many cases, teachers do not feel prepared to teach it and understand it themselves! I am very interesting in finding new ways to introduce poems to my future classroom. I want to go into teaching completely prepared to handle the dissection of poetry, but I also want to make sure that the focus in my class is not on picking poems apart and over analyzing them, but instead just purely enjoying them. I read a book titled Poetry 180 in one of my other college courses and it really peaked my interest in this topic and showed me how important it is to expose students to poetry and make it enjoyable to them. I am interested in learning some interesting techniques of teaching poetry, and ways that have been proven to work with high school students. I also want to try to get closer to defining poetry and really pinpointing what it is and how to explain that to students. I am excited to see what research I come across on this topic and one day put that knowledge to use in my own classroom.


Matt said...

As a student I never really got into poetry. I always thought it was boring and kind of weird. I agree that sometimes teachers are afraid to teach it because for me sometimes poetry can be hard to understand and it can also be very subjective. There was one book I actually read for a young adult lit class called Out of the Dust. It was one of the best books of poetry I've read.

Stacy said...

Like I told Joseph, I am looking forward to a lesson on poetry. Maybe you could incorporate the information you found on your i-search paper into your in-class lesson!

Priscilla Wilson said...

I love poetry and I'm not afraid to teach it any more than any other subject, but I don't have a great understanding of a lot of poetry. I'm hoping that will come w/ the exposure more often.

Anonymous said...

Reading poerty for the enjoyment is why, I think, poetry was written. Yes there could be layer upon layers within the poem, but to read poetry si to esacape and to enjoy, not nitpick. Good choice.
